PAT Testing

We don’t really think about having our appliances tested, but why wouldn’t you?

We rely on these appliances daily to keep our businesses running smoothly. Whether it’s a computer or a hair dryer, our appliances need to be tested to ensure they’re safe and efficient.

PAT tests minimise these risks, giving you and your customers peace of mind while keeping your appliances running at their best.

How it works

Our engineers will complete a visual inspection of your appliances. They look for visual damage the cables and the appliance itself.

Then they will check for damage to the fuse, carrying out various tests using our specialist equipment.

If there is no damage and the appliance tests out ok, then the electrician will put a ‘pass’ sticker on the appliance.

Should the appliance fail its PAT test, it should be isolated and stopped using immediately. Some appliances can be fixed, depending on the fault.

If we are able to fix the appliance, it will be repaired before it is retested and returned to you.

Commonly asked questions

How often do appliances need to be PAT tested?

Businesses should have their appliances PAT tested every 2 years.

What makes something fail a PAT test?

Something will fail a PAT test if there is damage to the appliance.

Can I do PAT testing myself?

No. PAT testing should be carried out by a competent person.

Do I get a certificate after a PAT test?

Yes, you will be given a certificate after the completion of a PAT test.

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For an efficient, transparent and reliable quote or more information on our services use the form below or call us on 01422 356222 today.

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